Edges Of Europe.
Fifteen years have past between the fall of Berlin’s wall until European Union’s enlargement to the East.
On May 1st, 2004, three Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), five Central Europe countries (Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia) and two Mediterranean (Cyprus and Malta) have joined the Union. Bulgaria and Romania have joined in 2007.
European Union has now a new Eastern border. Turkey, Moldavia, Ukraine, Byelorussia and Russia are its new neighbours. Border ? Gap ? However, a new line divides again the continent.
Work done between June 2000 and August 2003.
Guy-Pierre Chomette and Frederic Sautereau.
70 pictures, texts and card.
Format : 40 X 50 cm, pasted.
Transportation : one box, 100 X 70 X 100 cm.
A book goes with the exhibition.
Schedule :
Cultural center of Lille University. (December 2007-February 2008).
Culturel Contemporary Center of Barcelona. (2007).
Lyon Museum. (2006).
Bar le Duc Theatre. (2005).